Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Title :
The dreadful have passed, now the oasis lies before us. To take up our last, peaceful moments before we face the greater challenges ahead us. This is, our final resting point.

Ah why did I put such a long title? Well.. I don't know, it just make sense... This is like the last proper holidays before we face our N levels next year and Os in the year after next year.. Its rather scary if you ask me... But oh well..

So heres my score for SA2... v.v
English P1 - Approx. 40/60, P2 - 61/80, P3 - 37/40, Overall P1/P2/P3 : 75/100 =) [A1]

Chinese P1 - 45/70, P2 - 46/70, P3 - 39/40, Overall P1/P2/P3 : 72/100 =) [A2]

Physics - 30/50 [Can't say I'm sastified, I rather have the last question marked instead... It'll be 35.. Oh well]
Chemistry - 23/50 [Ah... Pay more attention James! Mug hard!!!]
Comb. Science - 53/100 -Wipes sweat from forehead- Whewwww
Overall Comb. Science - 54/100 [Er... Grade is C5 or something]

Overall Art - 47 I think.. I passed final year but not mid year.. *crosses finger*

E Maths - F9!!! Hahaha.. I not sure, but failed rather badly, 20+ Marks from passing

A Maths - Not sure, F9? =/ Lols A and E Maths kinda expected

Geography - *Hopes to pay attention next year* 10/50.. BAD!
Social Studies - 23/50 .. Pay more attention and mug harder.. >.<
Overall : 37/100

Thats all folks! I'm kinda hoping for 3 more marks for Art so I get a nice 4 subs pass... I also hope that my language subs will improve more...

Hopes for 4N/5N :
English : A1 (Not just borderline)
Chinese : A1 (Not just borderline)
Comb. Science : A1/A2
Art : Err...? 60/100 I guess B4!
Humanities : Pass! C5!!
A and E Maths : At least one C5 or C6 pleaseeee

If I got this the way I wanted, I'll score
1+1+2+4+5+6 = 19
That'll be good enough for JC! Ah.. Things doesn't seem as impossible if I mug harder or something... So.. Mug!!!

Oh well, its time to crash.. Ciao!


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